【Word文档】 四年级英语上册知识点汇总2篇

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摘要:四年级英语上册知识点汇总2篇1  Unit 1 My classroom  A Let’s learn  classroom 教室 window 窗户 door 门 picture 图画  board 写字板 light 灯,管灯  What’s in the class ...(全文共:11852字)


  Unit 1 My classroom

  A Let’s learn

  classroom 教室 window 窗户 door 门 picture 图画

  board 写字板 light 灯,管灯

  What’s in the classroom? 教室里有什么?

  A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.


  Let’s talk

  Hello! Mike. 你好!Mike.

  Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng, our newclassroom.


  Mike, we have a new classroom.Mike, 我们有一个新教室。

  Really? Let’s go and have a look.   真的吗?我们去看看吧!

  Wow! It’s so big. 哇!它好大呀!

  We have 6 new lights. 我们有六个新电灯。

  Look, this is my new desk. 看,这是我的新课桌。

  Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪儿?

  It’s near the door. 在门的附近。

  Let’s say

  A a ant apple hand

  B b beef boy ball

  C c cat cake car

  D d doctor duck desk

  E e egg elephant bed

  B Let’s learn

  computer 计算机  fan 风扇   wall 墙

  teacher’s desk 讲台   floor地板

  Look! This is my classroom. The wall iswhite. The floor is green.

  看, 这是我的教室,墙是白色的,地板是绿色的。


  Good morning! Let’s clean the classroom. 早上好!我们打扫教室吧!

  Good idea! 好主意!

  Let’s clean the desks and chairs. 让我们打扫课桌和椅子吧。

  All right. 好的。

  Let me clean the window. 让我来擦窗户。

  Let me clean the board. 让我来擦写字板。

  Look at the picture. 看这幅画。

  It’s nice. 它很漂亮。

  Good morning! Miss White. 早上好!Miss White.

  Wow! It’s nice and clean. Good job!哇! 又漂亮又干净!干得好!

  Let’s say

  F f fish French fries farmer

  G g girl goose good

  H h hot dog hamburger hat

  I i ice-cream ice water ice

  Unit 2 My schoolbag

  A Let’s learn

  Chinese book 语文书    English book 英语书

  math book 数学书      school bag 书包

  story-book 故事书       notebook 笔记本

  How many books do you have?


  I have 6. An English book, a Chinese book,a math book, a notebook and two story-books.


  Let’s talk

  Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. 你好,陈洁。我有一个新书包。

  Really? What colour is it? 真的吗?它是什么颜色?

  It’s black and white. 是黑色和白色的。

  Look! 看!

  Wow! It’s a panda! How nice!  哇!是一个熊猫!太好了!

  I have many books. An English book, astory-book, and…


  A fat panda! 一只肥胖的熊猫!

  May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗?

  Sure, here you are. 当然可以,给你。

  Read and write

  J j jeep jacket

  jig saw puzzle

  K k kite key kangaroo

  L l lion lamp lock

  M m man monkey mouse

  N n nose nurse noodles

  bag 书包  pencil铅笔  pencil-case 铅笔盒

  B Let’s learn

  21—30 twenty-one …thirty

  31—40 thirty-one…forty

  41—50 forty-one…fifty

  How English books can you see?你能看见多少本英语书?

  One, two, three… Sorry, too many.一,二,三…对不起,太多了!

  Let’s talk

  My schoolbag is heavy! 我的书包很重。

  What’s in it? 里面是什么?

  Look! 20 story-books, 32 pencils, 8 rulersand 3 pencil-cases.

  看!20本故事书,32支铅笔, 8把尺子和3个铅笔盒。

  Wow! Good ! 哇!好!

  My schoolbag is heavy, too. 我的书包也很重。

  What’s in it? 里面是什么?

  10 sharpeners, 42 crayons, 12 erasers and35 picture books.


  Thank you soooooo much! 太感谢了!

  Read and write

  O o Coke OK open

  P p pen pencil pencil-case

  Q q squirrel queue quiet

  R r rabbit ruler rice

  book  书  ruler 尺子

  pen 钢笔

  Unit 3 My friends

  A Let’s learn

  friends 朋友    long hair长头发   short hair短头发

  hin 瘦的    strong 强壮的  quiet文静的

  My friend is strong. He has short hair.


  Who is he?   他是谁?


  Mom , I have a new friend. 妈妈, 我有一个新朋友。

  A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友?

  Yes. 是的。

  A boy? 一个男孩吗?

  Yes. He has short black hair and big eyes.


  What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?

  His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫张朋。

  Look, this is his photo. He’s tall. 看!这是他的相片。他很高。

  He’s strong,too. 他也很强壮。

  Read and write

  S s spoon snake student

  T t tiger TV teacher

  U u umbrella under cup

  V v vest violin van

  teacher 老师

  student  学生

  B Let’s learn

  music 音乐 sports运动   science 科学 painting绘画

  computer games电脑游戏

  My friend likes music。 我的朋友喜欢音乐.

  My friend likes sports.  我的朋友喜欢运动。

  Let’s talk

  I have a friend. 我有一个朋友。

  Boy or girl? 男孩还是女孩?

  A girl. 一个女孩。

  Who’s she? 她是谁?

  Guess! 猜一猜!

  She’s quiet. She likes music. What’s hername?


  Her name is Amy. 她的名字叫Amy.

  I have a friend , too. He’s strong. Helikes sports.


  He’s Zhang Peng. 他是张朋.

  You’re right. 你猜对了。

  Read and write

  W w window watermelon walkman

  X x taxi box six

  Y y yellow yo-yo yacht

  Z z zebra zoo zipper

  boy 男孩  girl 女孩

  friend 朋友

  Unit 4 My home

  A Let’s learn

  study 书房 bathroom卫生间   bedroom 卧室

  kitchen厨房   living room 起居室

  This is my home. You can see s bedroom, aliving room……


  Let’s do

  Go to the living room. Watch TV.

  Go to the study. Read a book.

  Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.

  Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.

  Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.

  Let’s talk

  Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?

  Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

  It’s very nice. 它很漂亮。

  I have a new eraser. It’s a fish. 我有一块新橡皮,它是鱼。

  Hey!Your cat. 嘿!你的猫!

  Is she in the study? 她在书房吗?

  No, she isn’t. 不,她不是。

  Is she in the living room? 她在起居室吗?

  No, she isn’t. 不,她不是。

  Look! She’s here. 看!她在这儿。

  She’s in the kitchen。她在厨房。

  Read and write

  home家  room房间  school学校  classroom 教室

  BLet’s learn

  phone 电话  bed 床sofa 沙发   shelf 书架

  table 桌子 fridge 冰箱

  Let’s do

  Sit on the sofa.

  Make the bed.

  Watch TV.

  Answer the phone.

  Open the fridge.

  Set the table.

  Let’s talk

  Open the door, please. 请开门。

  OK! 好的。

  Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪儿?

  Are they on the table? 它在桌子上吗?

  No, they aren’t. 不,他们不是。

  Are they near the phone? 它们在电话旁边吗?

  No, they aren’t. 不,他们不是。

  Look! They are in the door. 看!它们在门上。

  Read and write

  door 门 chair 椅子 window窗户 desk课桌  bed 床

  Unit 5 What would you like?

  A Let’s learn

  rice 米饭 fish鱼   beef牛肉   soup汤

  noodles 面条 vegetable   蔬菜  juice 果汁

  bread 面包   milk 牛奶 chicken鸡肉

  hot dog 热狗 hamburger汉堡包

  Let’s talk

  Dad, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? 爸爸,我饿了。晚饭吃什么?

  Wait and see. 等等看。

  What would you like? 你想吃什么?

  I’d like some rice and soup。我想吃一些米饭和汤。

  What would you like for dinner? 你晚饭想吃什么?

  I’d like some fish and vegetables, please.  我想吃一些鱼和蔬菜。

  Everything’s ready. 一切 都准备好了。

  Thanks. 多谢!

  Thank you, dad. 谢谢爸爸。

  Read and write

  What would you like?你想吃什么?

  bread  面包 milk 牛奶

  egg蛋 water 水

  B Let’s learn

  plate 盘子  knife 刀  spoon 勺子 fork 叉子

  chopsticks 筷子

  Mom, can I help you? 妈妈,我能帮你吗?

  Yes. Pass me the plate, please. 是的,请把盘子递给我。

  Let’s do

  Give me a spoon.

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